Lysol IP


Lysol IP

General Disinfectant
Packing : Available in 450 ml. polyethylene bottle, 5 Liter in HDPE Can, 25 Liter in HDPE Drums.

For External Use Only

Use hand gloves while handling

Keep in cool dark place and out of reach of children.

Active Ingredients :
  • Cresol IP: 50 % v/v
  • Soap Solution : 50 % w/v

LYSOL is used as general disinfectant for use in all medical dispensary, veterinary clinics and canteens, hotels, schools, colleges, cinema halls, operation theatre in the following dilutions with water :

  • For Drains 5.0 % v/v
  • For heavily infected line 2.5 % v/v
  • For floors and walls 1.0 % v/v