Gamma Benzene hexachloride Application BP


Gamma Benzene hexachloride Application BP

Packing : 500 ml, 100 ml

For External Use Only

Keep in cool dark place with tightly cap closed and out of reach of children.

Active Ingredients :
  • Gamma Benzene Hexachloride BP. 1% W/V
  • emulsifying wax BP 4% W/V
  • Xylene of commerce 15%
  • Lavender oil BP. 1% V/V

SHEBRO Gamma Benzene Hexachloride Application 1% BP is used topically for the treatment of head and body lice and scabies (contagious skin infection which causes itching). It penetrates through the skin and kills the Scabies (small bugs which crawl under the skin) and their eggs.

IT should applied only once if other conventional safer medicines have not made your scabies go away.

Do not re-use it without consulting a doctor.

How to apply :

  • After shaking the bottle, apply a very thin layer of lotion on your skin from the neck down. Do not let the lotion get in your eyes.
  • After applying it for 8-12 hours (not for more than THAT) wash the entire lotion with warm water.
  • Use gloves when you are applying the lotion. Do not use oil or other skin products before applying Gamma benzene hexachloride Application.

Avoid when :

  • Allergic to any of its components.
  • Pregnant and breast feeding women.
  • Epileptic patients (past history of seizures).
  • Open sores on skin or broken skin.
  • If you have used the lotion in recent times (past few months).

Side effects :

  • Itching or burning skin and scalp.
  • Chest tightness or Difficulty in breathin.
  • Dry skin, Rashes.
  • Swelling on face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • If not applied in the correct manner, it can go through your skin and may affect your brain and nerves leading to seizures.